On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, David Likely wrote:

> History Question: Was Freud a Professor?

As further data for this interesting discussion, I have a
videotape called _Freud: the Hidden Nature of Man_ (part of _The
Shaping of the Western World_ series, Learning Corp of America,
my copy from Marlin Motion Pictures Ltd, possibly now defunct).
It's a respectful, even reverential treatment of Freud, which
makes it even better for my purpose.  I use it to illustrate that
any resemblance between psychoanalysis and science is purely
coincidental. It has a (pretty good) actor dressed up as Freud,
and recreates significant scenes from his life, showing, for
example, the excessive presssure Freud used to extract stories
from his patients. It also has a wonderful illustration of
reification of the id and superego (two characters, one dressed
up as a devil, the other as a repressive father-figure). It lists
Henry Kravitz of the Dept of Psychiatry, McGill as consultant so
it's probably accurate and trustworthy.

The actor who plays Freud has lines which I'm certain are taken
verbatim from his writings, although there are no references. At
one point the video has this (exclusive transcription I've just
made exclusively for the benefit of TIPS):


It was not until he was almost 50 that Freud finally was given
the rank of professor, an appointment that required the approval
of the Austrian Emperor. The appointment seldom went to Jews or
to radical thinkers.


"It was as though the role of sexuality had suddenly been
realized by his Majesty, the importance of dreams confirmed by
the Council of Ministers, and the necessity of treating hysteria
by psychoanalytic therapy accepted in Parliament by a 2/3
majority. I had become respectable again. Those who recently
avoided me now greeted me from afar in the street" 

Isn't that a great quote? Can anyone locate a source for it?


Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC           
J1M 1Z7                      
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