Stephen Black wrote:

> The actor who plays Freud has lines which I'm certain are taken
> verbatim from his writings, although there are no references. At
> one point the video has this (exclusive transcription I've just
> made exclusively for the benefit of TIPS):
> Voiceover:
> It was not until he was almost 50 that Freud finally was given
> the rank of professor, an appointment that required the approval
> of the Austrian Emperor. The appointment seldom went to Jews or
> to radical thinkers.
> Freud:
> "It was as though the role of sexuality had suddenly been
> realized by his Majesty, the importance of dreams confirmed by
> the Council of Ministers, and the necessity of treating hysteria
> by psychoanalytic therapy accepted in Parliament by a 2/3
> majority. I had become respectable again. Those who recently
> avoided me now greeted me from afar in the street"
> Isn't that a great quote? Can anyone locate a source for it?


It is from the Freud-Fliess letters (Masson, 1985). In one of his last
letters to Wilhem Fliess. Freud wrote sardonically:

"The _Wiener Zeitung_ [a newspaper, I believe] has not yet publicized the
appointment, but the news that it was imminent quickly spread from the
official headquarters. Public acclaim was immense. Congratulations and
flowers already are pouring in, as though the role of sexuality has
suddenly been officially recognized by His majesty, the significance of the
dream certified by the Council of Ministers, and the necessity of a
psychoanalytic therapy of hysteria carried by a two-thirds majority in

"I have obviously become reputable again; my most reluctant admirers greet
me in the street from afar." (p. 457)



Masson, J. M. (1985) (Trans.) (Ed.). The complete letters of Sigmund Freud
to Wilheml Fliess: 1887-1904. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.

Jeffry P. Ricker, Ph.D.          Office Phone:  (480) 423-6213
9000 E. Chaparral Rd.            FAX Number: (480) 423-6298
Psychology Department            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scottsdale Community College
Scottsdale, AZ  85256-2626

"The truth is rare and never simple."
                  Oscar Wilde
"Science must begin with myths and with the criticism of myths"
                  Karl Popper
"Nothing is more dangerous than active ignorance"
                  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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