Hello Listfriends,

Greetings from the land of Hyper-employment!

Some more questions that my students are asking and for which I believe I
need help in providing good answers:

1)Is there any scientific basis for the belief that dogs and cats can sense
an earthquake a few seconds before humans do? (I know this is a
culture-specific, "Califoriacentric" question, but I would appreciate your
indulgence anyway ; ). )

2) Someone may have to direct me to the archives on this one - is it known
exactly how the stimulant drugs improve concentration for ADD sufferers?

3) Does any one know of a case similar to Oliver Sacks' "Virgil" but
involving the restoration of hearing that was lost congenitally or at an
early age? Wouldn't that person also have trouble learning to hear, much as
Virgil had a great deal of trouble learning to see?

Thanks as always for your kind and expert help.

Nancy Melucci
East Los Angeles College et alia.

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