Nancy - you can launch any browser without being connected to the web and it will still work. Obviously, you won't be able to access any web pages via the internet, and you'll get a message that your browser cannot find whatever home page you use. Nonetheless, you will still will be able to display pages located on your own hard drive. Simple go to file, click on "Open Page," and navigate to the location on your hard drive where your web pages are stored. Hope this helps.

t 08:28 AM 2/23/01 -0500, you wrote:
Dear Listmates,

I was sketching out some preliminary ideas for one of my posters for WPA.  
The presentation concerns my web-based option for a term project in Intro
Psychology, and it relies heavily on my privately-owned and operated
Blackboard site.

I am techno-knowledgeable, but not overly so.  I was thinking that it might
be really neat and effective to set my laptop computer up near the poster
with some sample pages from the site that folks could look at.  I doubt that
I can hook the modem up in the middle of the poster floor, but was trying to
remember if "caching" some pages of my website would allow me to accomplish
the same thing without necessarily being connected to the web.  Am I correct?
 Do you know how I would go about setting this up?  I would like some
instructions for how to do this, if it is possible, and would appreciate your

Thanks and have a great weekend.

Nancy Melucci
East Los Angeles College

Mark A. Casteel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Penn State York
1031 Edgecomb Ave.
York, PA  17403
(717) 771-4028

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