Title: RE: Templeton Prize Announced

> From: jim clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> I believe that the name Templeton has been linked as well to APA
> and the Positive Psychology movement.  I've long wondered whether
> it is the same Templeton as the one who has been dispensing
> millions to further a rapprochement between science and
> religion.  Does anyone know?

Yes, the Templeton Foundation (I believe it is) does give large sums
of money in the hopes of (I'm not sure of 'further') a rapprochement
between religion and science.  I was lucky enough to be present at a
dinner when Marty Seligman got his award from them.  His speech was
all about 'positive psychology.'  I believe his involvement
in/promotion of 'positive psych' was the reason he got the award.

(The highlight for me was meeting Milhaly Csikszentmihalyi and getting
him to sign my copy of "Beyond Boredom and Anxiety.")

bob k.

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Robert Keefer               Associate Professor
Psychology Department       Office Phone:
Mt. St. Mary's College      (301) 447-5394, Ext. 4251
Emmitsburg, MD  21727       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Speaking for myself.]      fax: 301-447-5021
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