are there tipsters who are wedded and are teaching at the same
institution? It seems as if there are some plus and minuses
to this. I have known husband and wife faculty where this has been
such a source of tension that one has asked to relocate to another
building. I knew of a case where a divorce was pending and there
were big arguments at the faculty meetings.
Maybe some tipsters may allude to ether scenarios and comment on
how this situation may enhance or deter teaching effectiveness
and perception of students.
And while on this subject (free associating),I remembered the case
of a Professor who was undergoing a sex change from he to she.
He was married at this time and his wife  was a prof at the University.
After his sex change,they still remained married.The university
did not care ,but I wondered as to the impact on students.
Would female facuty members go to the ladies room,if they knew that
there was a transsexual going in at the same time?
Please note that this is related to the teaching of Psychology
re perceptions of gender transformations.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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