My wife and I also teach together at Sierra College. Our situation is 
different because she teaches Spanish and I teach Psych. We have not had any 
formal problems because of this but there have been a number of minor 
annoyances. Since we have the same last name, we get each other's mail. 
Students ask each of us to deliver messages to the other (we absolutely 
refuse). Occasionally I have had students sign up for a psych class because 
they thought it was my wife teaching it and vice versa. When my wife first 
started teaching at Sierra I was a little worried (OK I was a lot worried) 
because I felt my privacy being invaded. My teaching and colleague persona 
is not necessarily the same as my persona when I am home and I enjoy being 
the hero of my own faculty stories. With my wife on campus, she would have a 
vantage point different than mine. Selfish I admit but there it is. This has 
not been a problem to my great relief. I know of three other married couples 
(one in psych and art) I also know of two cases of divorce in which both 
stayed on campus. These situations were indeed messy for a while, but 
eventually cooled off.

>From: "David Wasieleski, Ph. D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Faculty:Husband/Wife
>Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:27:54 -0500
>My wife (Dr. Deborah Briihl, also a TIPSter) and I both work in the
>Psychology Department here at VSU. We actually met here and dated while
>being colleagues. Now I know that traditionally, this has been frowned
>upon, and I'm sure we caused our department head some headaches and
>concerns, but I would say we haven't caused any more discomfort or brought
>any personal tension into the office any more than someone else who's
>married or has a relationship with someone outside the work place.
>The reality is that students seem to actually like the two of us as a
>couple... and when I was in graduate school, the department I was in
>actually had three married couples (it became a
>bit of a joke in the dept).
>Personally, I think the personal issues can intrude into a department, but
>they can for anyone. For Deb and I, I think the situation is eased because
>we have different specializations (she experimental, I clinical), different
>departmental responsibilities (she undergrad, I grad), etc., so we have
>fewer opportunities to step on one another's toes, professionally.
>As for the last part of the original email, I don't see its relevance for
>the earlier part of the email.
>David W.
>At 04:28 PM 3/13/01 -0500, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>>are there tipsters who are wedded and are teaching at the same
>>institution? It seems as if there are some plus and minuses
>>to this. I have known husband and wife faculty where this has been
>>such a source of tension that one has asked to relocate to another
>>building. I knew of a case where a divorce was pending and there
>>were big arguments at the faculty meetings.
>>Maybe some tipsters may allude to ether scenarios and comment on
>>how this situation may enhance or deter teaching effectiveness
>>and perception of students.
>>And while on this subject (free associating),I remembered the case
>>of a Professor who was undergoing a sex change from he to she.
>>He was married at this time and his wife  was a prof at the University.
>>After his sex change,they still remained married.The university
>>did not care ,but I wondered as to the impact on students.
>>Would female facuty members go to the ladies room,if they knew that
>>there was a transsexual going in at the same time?
>>Please note that this is related to the teaching of Psychology
>>re perceptions of gender transformations.
>>Michael Sylvester,PhD
>>Daytona Beach,Florida
>David T. Wasieleski, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Psychology and Counseling
>Valdosta State University
>"If you want to be somebody else
>If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself
>If you want to be somebody else
>Change your mind..."
>               --Sister Hazel
>              "Change Your Mind"

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