Hi Tipsters!

Time for me to call on your collective wisdom and knowledge.  Do any of
you know of any good research concerning the importance or relevance of
classroom physical environment on learning, perception of teaching, etc.

The reason I ask is that today when we came back from Spring break we
discovered that someone, in their infinite wisdom, decided to chain the
overhead projectors to the walls (picture here large galvanized chain
link normally used for restraining large pachyderms).  These massive
chains then extend across the floor (where you lecture - yes, I tripped
over it at least twice) to a table or cart.  It gives the classroom a
nice prison ambiance but the powers that be suggested that this was
simply a subjective concern and thus not relevant.  

Note the reason for the chains is not because people were stealing the
overheads (don't suppose there is a large black market for these!) but
because faculty apparently move them around to different classrooms.  We
are such an unruly bunch ;-)  



Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D.
Book Review Editor, H-Genocide
Associate Professor - Psychology 
Coordinator - Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights
Webster University
470 E. Lockwood
St. Louis, Missouri 63110


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