Hi Y'all,

Just thought I'd toss in my thoughts about a commencement speaker.

I would say that a lot depends on what your goal is in regards to a
commencement speaker.  If you are simply looking for entertainment, then
selecting someone who is known and loved might be the key.  We had Jack
Buck (the Cardinal's announcer) a few years back.  A lot of folks loved
him as he was entertaining but it was more like an after dinner speech
with little substance.

If you are looking for a message with substance, there are a number of
folks out of world leadership and human rights that might fit the bill.
They often address about what folks can contribute to the world usually
the new skills they have learned.  Our Geneva campus a year or so ago
had UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson and all told,
she was excellent.  Might be too busy for this year but as she is
stepping down might be good for down the road.  We had two years ago,
G.W B the First.  He had some substance as well as was entertaining. His
principle message was about giving back to the community and
volunteerism. He also brought some controversy to the campus to enliven
those last weeks of classes. About four years back, we had Richard
Gephardt speak. Last year, we had a local civil rights leader speak who
was also excellent but again was controversial.  You need to have
university administration/board support for such individuals.

Also, look for members of your alumni who have made significant
accomplishments to the world or who have a measure of achievement that
is unique.  For example, three years ago, we had Eileen Collins speak
who was the first female space shuttle captain.  She was so honored to
be ask and clearly spent a great deal of time putting together an
excellent commencement address.  She was also able to personalize it by
making references to the university and how her education benefited her
life and career.



Linda M. Woolf, Ph.D.
Book Review Editor, H-Genocide
Associate Professor - Psychology
Coordinator - Holocaust & Genocide Studies,
Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights
Webster University
470 East Lockwood
St. Louis, MO  63119

Main Webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/  

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