At 9:19 AM -0500 4/12/01, Deborah Hume wrote:
>Maybe it is too early in the morning and I'm feeling a bit prickly, but this
>certainly rubbed me the wrong way. Leaving aside for the  moment the
>possibility that there are some valid critiques of traditional western
>scientific methodology, how is it that irrationality, invalid inference, and
>tolerance for logical contradiction get automatically equated with women and
>racial minorities?  Wasn't Deridas a white male?
>I realize that many of the criticisms of western scientific methods and
>thought have been raised by those who have been excluded from the power
>structure of science - and I realize that postmodern critics are heavy
>handed with their vocabulary and convoluted sentence structure- I am not
>arguing those points. However, the tone here, even though it was
>tongue-in-cheek, is one that is so dismissive of "women and racial
>minorities" as not able to think their way out of a paper bag, that I find
>it quite aggravating!
>Deb Hume

Are you assuming that women and minorities use postmodern reasoning
I don't think that the original posts said or implied that.
Can you cite a specific statement that is directed at a group of people,
rather than at a method of analysis?

* PAUL K. BRANDON               [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Psychology Dept       Minnesota State University, Mankato *
* 23 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001      ph 507-389-6217 *
*    *

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