Deb -
        Not a problem - I really SHOULD know better than to use sarcasm in a
post to a public list, just because people are in so many different states
of mind when they read the posts (for example, I just got home from a major
league baseball game, and am probably not nearly at my best). I see that my
tone wasn't clear to a number of people, and I guess that I don't blame them
for not knowing what I meant (that is, for not reading my mind... <grin>). 

        For the record, neither Deb nor I believe that women and minorities
are any more prone to irrationality than us white male types (right, Deb?). 

Paul Smith
Alverno College

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deborah Hume [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:54 AM
> To: Paul Smith; 'TIPS'
> Subject: Re: Faith-based TIPS?
> Paul, My apologies -- I recognized the sarcasm but 
> misinterpreted it --
> I am sorry! (maybe it WAS too early in the morning for me to 
> be responding
> to a post!)
> Deb Hume
> >
> > You do understand that I was being sarcastic about that very point,
> > right?
> >
> > I couldn't agree with you more, and I meant my post to show my own
> > annoyance at that dismissiveness.
> >
> > Paul Smith
> > Alverno College
> > A women's college, at which I teach science to women who wind up
> > understanding it FAR better than I did as an undergraduate.
> > Milwaukee

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