Title: Olfactory oversensitivity
This reminds me of the doubling of the taste sensations when half of the nerves associated with taste has been paralyzed.
This is opponent processing reaction in my opinion.  Taste, smell, touch, and consciousness uses a global integration of opponent wavelet information.  It is holographic. 
Recommendations from a correlational opponent processing perspective:
The goal is to reestablish a homeostasis for taste and touch which may have been created by mild neuro damage or developmental problem.
Touch:  Have the child press both fist together as hard as possible for 20 seconds, then pull them a part while looking in a mirror at the fist.  When he pulls the fist a part he will notice that they seem to come back together.  Then he does this again and looks at his fist without the mirror.  The goal is to use the visual feedback to lock in and create a gaussian wavelet opponent processing memory area for processing touch.  Two types of opponent wavelet processing are being stored.  They are correlated and have reciprocal symmetry.
Smell:  There are about 30 pairs of chemicals that when smelled together cancel each other out.  Obtain those chemicals.
Habituate the first chemical in a pair then the second in the pair.  Then habituate the joint presentation.  Do this for all 30 pairs.
Again the goal is form a memory area for opponent processing of odor.
Ron Blue
Correlational Opponent Processing
Pain as an Opponent Process
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: Olfactory oversensitivity

<does anyone have any suggestions?  Please reply directly to Sue Hymus.  Steve Roper>

Dear Dr Roper and associates,
I am a paediatric psychologist working in Melbourne Australia.  I have been searching for information that may assist me in working with a pre-schooler who has an extreme overreaction to smell.  He consistently vomits when exposed to odours that he perceives as noxious ( including many foods).   His everyday experiences and diet are therefore extremely restricted.  He is also tactile defensive, so reacts badly to mild pressure and various textures.  The occupational therapist will soon be commencing some sensory integration therapy.  I am wondering if you are aware of any websites/researchers that provide some more specific information to help target his heightened sense of smell.
Yours sincerely,
Sue Hymus

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