
        By definition, a terrorist act is any act of violence aimed at random
victims and perpetrated by one or more individuals, alone or in conjunction
with others, intended to elicit terror on the part of the population so
attacked for the purpose of achieving political objectives, recognition, or
media coverage perceived to further the individual's or group's objectives.

        If this was not an act of terrorism, the only alternative is that it was a
deliberate act of war on the part of another nation perpetrated against the
United States of America.

        I'm deeply concerned that innocent minority members, primarily those in the
Islamic communities in the US, will suffer from the suspicion, prejudice,
and fear these acts will have inspired--but pretending it is conceivable
that it is anything other than a series of terrorism acts isn't science,
it's denial.

        Rick Adams


". . . and the only measure of your worth and your deeds will be the love
you leave behind when you're gone." --Fred Small

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