Some subscribers to TIPS and TeachEdPsych might be interested in a 
recent post "Re: 'How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and 
School'" [Hake (2010)].  The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT - GS Chandy of the Math-Teach list wrote: "I've now read 
through quite sizable portions of . . . . . 'How People Learn: Brain, 
Mind, Experience and School'. . . . .[[Branford et al. (2000)]] . . . 
. I believe most of the book's findings and recommendations do not 
square with the philosophy of the Robert Hansen-Wayne Bishop school 
of thought regarding the teaching or learning of math. The book will 
serve as an excellent model for the effective teaching and learning 
of math - or of any other discipline, for that matter . . . . . I 
shall be using it as a primary reference for all my own work."

Bransford et al. (2000) have to this to say about behaviorism: "A 
limitation of early behaviorism stemmed from its focus on observable 
stimulus conditions and the behaviors associated with those 
conditions. This orientation made it difficult to study such 
phenomena as understanding, reasoning, and thinking-phenomena that 
are of paramount importance for education. Over time, radical 
behaviorism. . . . . gave way to a more moderate form of behaviorism. 
. . . that preserved the scientific rigor of using behavior as data, 
but also allowed hypotheses about internal 'mental' states when these 
became necessary to explain various phenomena. . . . In the late 
1950s, the complexity of understanding humans and their environments 
became increasingly apparent, and a new field emerged - cognitive 
science. From its inception, cognitive science approached learning 
from a multidisciplinary perspective that included anthropology, 
linguistics, philosophy, developmental psychology, computer science, 
neuroscience, and several branches of psychology. . . . . . New 
experimental tools, methodologies, and ways of postulating theories 
made it possible for scientists to begin serious study of mental 
functioning: to test their theories rather than simply speculate 
about thinking and learning and, in recent years, to develop insights 
into the importance of the social and cultural contexts of learning. 
The introduction of rigorous qualitative research methodologies have 
provided perspectives on learning that complement and enrich the 
experimental research traditions."

What's behaviorism got to do with math education? I used to think 
that math warrior Wayne Bishop's "Mathematically Correct" 
<> school of "direct 
instruction," was a manifestation of behaviorism. But lately I've 
come to realize that "Precision Teaching," an exemplar of one school 
of behaviorism, may not be all bad - more than can be said for 
"Mathematically Correct."

Math-Teach subscribers, who, like Chandy, think Bransford et al. 
might "serve as an excellent model for the effective teaching and 
learning of math" might consider subscribing to PhysLrnR, where 
"Bransford" is more commonly mentioned than on Math-Teach.

To access the complete 17 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
24245 Hatteras Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Honorary Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of Deventer, The Netherlands
Honorary Member, ARFU (Academic Reference Freaks United)

REFERENCES [Tiny URL's courtesy <>.]
Bransford, J.D., A.L. Brown, R.R. Cocking, eds. 2000. "How people 
learn: brain, mind, experience, and school." Nat. Acad. Press; the 
entire book (with a search engine) is online at 
<> !

Hake, R.R. 2010. "Re: 'How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and 
School'," online at the OPEN! AERA-L archives at 
<>.  Post of 1 Apr 2010 20:38:44-0700 to 
AERA-L, Math-Teach, and Net-Gold. The abstract and a link to the 
complete post are being distributed to various discussion lists and 
are also online at 
with a provision for comments.
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