Yes, how could I have mistaken Freud for Burnham? My bad. I was actually 
counting heads and not rows so my pick was actually in the second row although 
his head appeared to me to be in the first row--perceptual illusion on my part?

I am so relieved to not have to have my nose scoped and operated on. Whew. Beth 
is welcome to it.


ps: And Nancy, of course, is right :) Fiction Lit is a good place for him. Was 
he not in the Alienist? I need to reread that.

Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110<>

From: drnanjo []
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:02 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] Where's Freud?

Mostly he is in our students 20th century Western (as in european/american) 
Fiction Literature class, where is the place he should  be.

Nancy Melucci
Department Head Long Beach City College
Starting the 18 week term - sigh

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Benoit <>
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 16, 2010 12:58 pm
Subject: Re: [tips] Where's Freud?

And I'm pretty sure that the person to Freud's right (this is all in the front 
row....Freud is holding a hat) - is G. Stanley Hall.  He was Prez. of Clark 
University, in Worcester, Massachusetts, when Freud spoke there.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Beth Benoit <> wrote:
Fourth from the right.  (Third from the right is Jung...probably dreaming.)

Will the surgeon for my nasal surgery be board-certified?  My nose is probably 
more neurotic than I suspect...

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

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