The Christian Science Monitor has an article that reviews the results
of a Pew Research Center poll on the U.S. perception of the religion
of President Obama and 18% said that they thought he was a Muslim,
compared to 12% who thought he was Muslim back in March 2008
(there was a 7% point jump from  March 2009 [11%] to August 2009
[18%]).  The respondents were also asked why they thought he was 
Muslim.  Quoting the article:

|Pew asked about that, as well. Of those who believe Obama to be 
|Muslim, 60 percent said they learned that from the media. As to 
|which media, 16 percent said TV, 6 percent said newspapers, and 
|3 percent said magazines. 
|One percent said they learned about Obama being Islamic from his 
|book. Those people must have been skimming. ....
|Interestingly, 10 percent of those with this mistaken impression said 
|that they learned about Obama’s religion from his own behaviors or 
|his own words. The poll was taken prior to Obama’s statements 
|supporting construction of a mosque near the World Trade Center site.

The Pew Research Center Report can be obtained here:

I guess we have a new urban legend to debunk in class.  As the Report
makes clear, certains groups seem to hold the mistaken belief to a greater
degree than other groups, so the percentage of students in your class
who believe that President Obama is a Muslim will depend upon the
composition of the student population.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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