What is most interesting is that most people definitely thought he was part of 
a radical christian group when he was running for president. Have people 
forgotten their indignation over the hoopla created by the Rev. Jeremiah A. 
Wright Jr, pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ?  And now he is 
Muslim...new convert? So, also a great discussion about memory and memory 


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110
From: Mike Palij [m...@nyu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:13 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Cc: Mike Palij
Subject: [tips] U.S. Adults Say The Darnedest Things!

The Christian Science Monitor has an article that reviews the results
of a Pew Research Center poll on the U.S. perception of the religion
of President Obama and 18% said that they thought he was a Muslim,
compared to 12% who thought he was Muslim back in March 2008
(there was a 7% point jump from  March 2009 [11%] to August 2009
[18%]).  The respondents were also asked why they thought he was
Muslim.  Quoting the article:

|Pew asked about that, as well. Of those who believe Obama to be
|Muslim, 60 percent said they learned that from the media. As to
|which media, 16 percent said TV, 6 percent said newspapers, and
|3 percent said magazines.
|One percent said they learned about Obama being Islamic from his
|book. Those people must have been skimming. ....
|Interestingly, 10 percent of those with this mistaken impression said
|that they learned about Obama’s religion from his own behaviors or
|his own words. The poll was taken prior to Obama’s statements
|supporting construction of a mosque near the World Trade Center site.


The Pew Research Center Report can be obtained here:

I guess we have a new urban legend to debunk in class.  As the Report
makes clear, certains groups seem to hold the mistaken belief to a greater
degree than other groups, so the percentage of students in your class
who believe that President Obama is a Muslim will depend upon the
composition of the student population.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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