On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:26:09 -0700, Annette Taylor wrote in 
reponse to Prof. Michael Smith:
>Well, now that's an attitude that will generate job security for those 
>of  remaining in academia. But it won't do anything for students who 
>really would like to aspire to become college professors! Or who 
>just like life-long learning and knowledge generation.
>I saw no winky or other nonverbal cue that perhaps this was said 
>tongue in cheek, so I am taking it at face value...perhaps I shouldn't.

First, I think that Miguel was being ironic or simply humorous.

Second, I think that Prof. Smith is not being ironic or humorous.
One gets the impression that he is not happy with his career choices
and his comments below reflect this attitude.  I'm sure I will be
corrected if I am in error.

Third, we should always be cautious in advising students about
graduate school (it can be a difficult experience even for the
smartest student -- perhaps because they are so smart) and the
possibilities of a future career.  Some will complete the Ph.D.
and go on to academia or non-academic research careers or
clinical practice/research or leave the field completely and go into
some other endeavor.  Where one winds up depends upon the 
opportunities that are available to them and what decisions one makes.  
It should be made clear that certain options (e.g., becoming a 
college professor) are likely to be limited to people who have 
gone to graduate school.  If that is the choice one has made, then
one will have to learn to live with it.  The decision should be one's
own and not made by someone else or to please someone else.
Also, tt may have to be pointed out how boring it will be for 
others if one makes the decision to whine about their decisions 
that they have made, such as going to gradaute school and/or 
going into academia, which they now regret.  

-Mike Palij
New York University

On Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:00 AM, Michael Smith wrote in
response to Miguel Roig:
>>Sounds good.
>>It's about time the word got out that graduate school is a waste of
>>time, especially in the social sciences and humanities.

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Miguel Roig wrote:
>>>If you are in the middle of academic advisement perhaps 
>>>this may useful to you:
>>> http://100rsns.blogspot.com/p/complete-list-to-date.html 
>>> :-)

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