I think everyone knows the truth contained in the list; except perhaps
people who have been "grandfathered" ;-).

If you want a better version try this one:


On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Mike Palij <m...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 12:26:09 -0700, Annette Taylor wrote in
> reponse to Prof. Michael Smith:
>>Well, now that's an attitude that will generate job security for those
>>of  remaining in academia. But it won't do anything for students who
>>really would like to aspire to become college professors! Or who
>>just like life-long learning and knowledge generation.
>>I saw no winky or other nonverbal cue that perhaps this was said
>>tongue in cheek, so I am taking it at face value...perhaps I shouldn't.
> First, I think that Miguel was being ironic or simply humorous.
> Second, I think that Prof. Smith is not being ironic or humorous.
> One gets the impression that he is not happy with his career choices
> and his comments below reflect this attitude.  I'm sure I will be
> corrected if I am in error.
> Third, we should always be cautious in advising students about
> graduate school (it can be a difficult experience even for the
> smartest student -- perhaps because they are so smart) and the
> possibilities of a future career.  Some will complete the Ph.D.
> and go on to academia or non-academic research careers or
> clinical practice/research or leave the field completely and go into
> some other endeavor.  Where one winds up depends upon the
> opportunities that are available to them and what decisions one makes.
> It should be made clear that certain options (e.g., becoming a
> college professor) are likely to be limited to people who have
> gone to graduate school.  If that is the choice one has made, then
> one will have to learn to live with it.  The decision should be one's
> own and not made by someone else or to please someone else.
> Also, tt may have to be pointed out how boring it will be for
> others if one makes the decision to whine about their decisions
> that they have made, such as going to gradaute school and/or
> going into academia, which they now regret.
> -Mike Palij
> New York University
> m...@nyu.edu
> On Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:00 AM, Michael Smith wrote in
> response to Miguel Roig:
>>>Sounds good.
>>>It's about time the word got out that graduate school is a waste of
>>>time, especially in the social sciences and humanities.
> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Miguel Roig wrote:
>>>>If you are in the middle of academic advisement perhaps
>>>>this may useful to you:
>>>> http://100rsns.blogspot.com/p/complete-list-to-date.html
>>>> :-)
> ---
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