A postscript to my last post:

John Serafin wrote:
>You know, Allen, you regularly remind us not to accept
>anything that someone else has written.

What I have written before is rather more specific than this, along the 
lines that one should not accept *assertions" just because one has read 
them in a book, even by academically well-qualified authors. I've never 
said that one shouldn't accept "anything that someone else has 
written". That would be absurd. If someone has written a well-argued, 
well-documented article or book then there may be good reason to accept 
a particular view that author has taken. But even then, I make it a 
principle to only accept the case made for the issue in question 
tentatively until I have had the opportunity to read a criticism of, or 
another viewpoint on, the position taken by the author (which, if it is 
important enough, I then seek out).

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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