Michael Sylvester wrote:
>No big deal to me.This autobiographical memory stuff should not
>be surprising. There are cultures where folks can memorize the
>whole Koran.

But this is done by constant repetition in childhood, possibly over 
many years. Luria's subject did not need to practice in order to recall 
massive amounts of information.

>Allen should have been aware that during the British rule
>in India, they must have come across people who can
>exert control over their autunomic system.

There has been, of course, a considerable interest in these abilities, 
probably coming to a peak around forty years ago. But again, my 
recollection is that these abilities required long periods of training, 
whereas this was not the case with Luria's subject.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

From:   michael sylvester <msylves...@copper.net>
Subject:   Mnemonist/Khan
Date:   Sun, 2 Jan 2011 12:30:03 -0200
No big deal to me.This autobiographical memory stuff should not be 
surprising. There are cultures where folks can memorize the
whole Koran and the researchers talked about a select group of people 
that did not include the traditions of African-Americans.Hispanics,or 
Vietnamese Ameriacans.
I read Luria at a time when the West did not take Russian research 
findings seriously.Even today Vigotsky developmental
theory is still looked upon as secondary.The Khan academy is not 
surprising :.Asian and Pacific rim students are used to a co-opereative 
learning paradigm where students help and teach one another,so with 
this background teaching a class of students almost become 
individualized.It should also be noted that in some of those countries 
students are not allowed to raise their hands to ask questions during 
the lecture as they do here in the U.S. Students wait toward the end of 
the class to ask questions hence providing opportunities for teachers 
to reiterate.
Allen should have been aware that during the British rule in India,they 
must have come across people who can exert control over
their autunomic system.

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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