" Ericsson et al back in 1980 published a study of an "ordinary" (my term) college student induced to practice his memory span. This is the ability to immediately repeat a sequence of numbers. His subject practiced for about an hour a day, 3-5 days a week, for 1 1/2 years. At the start his memory span was an unexceptional 7 digits. At the end it was 79. (!)"
If I remember correctly - this practice did not generalize to a better memory in other areas (I may be remembering a different study.) He just got REALLY GOOD at remembering lists of numbers. Suzi Susan J Shapiro PhD Associate Professor/Psychology Indiana University East 2325 Chester Blvd Richmond IN 47374 (765) 973-8284 sjsha...@iue.edu --- You are currently subscribed to tips as: arch...@jab.org. To unsubscribe click here: http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df5d5&n=T&l=tips&o=7623 or send a blank email to leave-7623-13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df...@fsulist.frostburg.edu