So was it for May 11 or May 21?


Rick Froman

On May 11, 2011, at 5:43 PM, "Mike Palij" <> wrote:

> In a previous post to Tips I had pointed out that a prophecy had
> been made regarding the utter destruction of Rome on Wednesday,
> May 21, 2011.  Rome time is six hours ahead of eastern daylight time
> and given that it is about 6:30pm in NYC and there has been no
> media announcement of a devastating earthquake in Rome, it must
> be conceded that "prophecy has failed".  But don't take my word
> for it, consider this story from the Discovery News website:
> But wait, we all know how fallible news accounts can be, is there
> some other way to determine whether Rome has been devastated
> by an earthquake?  Why, yes Virginia, by checking out today's
> record of earthquake occurrences around the world at the US
> geological survey (USGS) website:  Here is a list of today's 
> earthquakes:
> And here's the USGS's homepage for it's earthquake programs:
> But wait, a popular service that is provided in many cities is a live
> webcam of activity (in NYC the city government has a dedicated
> camera network and it's own cable channel that allows one to
> view the traffic conditions at various points in NYC), and here
> is one for Rome:
> Now some will claim that this is all a big cover-up, that Rome
> was destroyed but the "Powers That Be" (and you know who
> you are) do not want people to know that the prophecy came
> true.  But I, ever the skeptic, will maintain that maybe Rome
> was destroyed, maybe it wasn't.  More evidence is needed.
> -Mike Palij
> New York University
> P.S.  I knew that I should have placed a side bet on a earthquake 
> hitting Spain; see:
> ---
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