Thanks Mike. It's finals count down and I'm in the midst of 47 apa papers to 
grade (2 down, 45 to go). So I'm glad some one is keeping track but drat, if 
the world ended I could stop grading.


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Mike Palij wrote:
In a previous post to Tips I had pointed out that a prophecy had
been made regarding the utter destruction of Rome on Wednesday,
May 21, 2011.  Rome time is six hours ahead of eastern daylight time
and given that it is about 6:30pm in NYC and there has been no
media announcement of a devastating earthquake in Rome, it must
be conceded that "prophecy has failed".  But don't take my word
for it, consider this story from the Discovery News website:

But wait, we all know how fallible news accounts can be, is there
some other way to determine whether Rome has been devastated
by an earthquake?  Why, yes Virginia, by checking out today's
record of earthquake occurrences around the world at the US
geological survey (USGS) website:  Here is a list of today's
And here's the USGS's homepage for it's earthquake programs:

But wait, a popular service that is provided in many cities is a live
webcam of activity (in NYC the city government has a dedicated
camera network and it's own cable channel that allows one to
view the traffic conditions at various points in NYC), and here
is one for Rome:

Now some will claim that this is all a big cover-up, that Rome
was destroyed but the "Powers That Be" (and you know who
you are) do not want people to know that the prophecy came
true.  But I, ever the skeptic, will maintain that maybe Rome
was destroyed, maybe it wasn't.  More evidence is needed.

-Mike Palij
New York University

P.S.  I knew that I should have placed a side bet on a earthquake
hitting Spain; see:

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