Y'know that Tina Fey look-alike that is taking her family on a vacation
roadtrip to the major U.S. landmarks?  Well, then you probably have
heard her version of U.S. history, particularly about warning the British
that American revolutionaries was going to kick their butt or something
to that effect.  Apparently, some people actually think this is an accurate
account of events and though it may be inconsistent with historical facts,
this hasn't stopped her supporters from trying to re-write history on
internet sources like Wikipedia to make their account consistent with
what she has said (see, this is why students and everyone should read
George Orwell's "1984" so they will be familiar with the Ministry of
Truth, how people like Winston Smith had the job of re-writing history
to fit the day's political positions, etc.).  A number of sources have written 
on this:

(1) Computerworld:

(2) Slate.com

(3) The NY Times:

(4) The New England Cable Television website which also has a video
of what was said:

Remember:  "Ignorance is Strength",  "Freedom is Slavery", and "War is Peace".

Also: "We have always been at war with Eurasia/the middle 

Will we still be able to teach the "facts"?  Or will we need to know what the 
"facts of
the day" before we go teach?

-Mike Palij
New York University

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