Watching it the second time was fun anyhow, Allen.  I missed the thong
reference both times.  (Was I distracted by that pink thing?  Ha ha...or
maybe I had some repression going on too.)  At any rate, I think "Dead Guy
Interviews" is a hilarious concept.  Thanks again for the really fun video
and for the update about Freud's purported erotic moment as a toddler on a
train.  It does give one pause for thought about how he may have
occasionally (?) sculpted an event to fit his theory.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Allen Esterson <
> wrote:

> Beth writes
> >Do you mean what was questionable?  Well, one was
> >his comment about seeing his mother in the shower
> >with the shower curtain "pulled back like in the theater,"
> I'd forgotten about that specific incident (must have repressed the
> memory :-) )
> >(or did he actually refer to that in real life??)
> Well, there was a *similar* event that Freud claimed had occurred in
> his early childhood. In a letter recounting his self-analysis to
> Wilhelm Fliess in 1897 (when he was 41) he wrote that his libido
> towards his mother was awakened when he was between two and
> two-and-a-half years, on the occasion of a train journey from Leipzig
> to Vienna during which "we must have spent the night together and there
> must have been an opportunity of seeing her naked." Leaving aside the
> issue of memories from infancy, the twofold "must have" hardly
> convinces; as biographer Ronald Clark observes, they suggest that the
> personal foundations on which Freud was to build his Oedipal theory
> "should be regarded with caution".
> Seeing the "interview" again, I note another questionable statement, in
> this case deliberate I'm sure. The first item that Freud lists among
> his phobias is "thongs"!
> Allen E.
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