On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 13:16:07 -0700, John Kulig wrote regarding
the cartoon showing two rats saying "Boy, have I got this guy conditioned...":
>Yes it appeared in cumulative record .... memory says - don't quote - that it 
>originally appeared in the columbia university student paper The Jester in 1928

It is Figure 17 in "Cumulative Record", around page 122 (I can't find my
hardcopy of CR but a snippet view of CR is available on books.google.com
and that's where I got my info).

However, where the cartoon originally appeared and when is a bit more
troublesome.  From what is provided in CR and several other sources where
the cartoon is provided, it refers to the Columbia "Jester" as the source but
there is no reference for it nor a date.

Technically, the source is likely to be the "Jester of Columbia", which is
more of a magazine than a newspaper.  It was first published on April 1,
1901 and it appears that it became defunct last year.  There is a website
for the magazine but it has not been kept up to date; see:

A Worldcat search of libraries showed that the NY Public Library (the
one on 42nd St and 5th Avenue, the one with the lions out front and
which was used for such movies as "Ghostbusters" and "Day After
Tomorrow") has a couple of volumes and a note that says that around
1955 the name was changed to "The Jester".  I was surprised that
Columbia's library did not show up but I'll go to Clio later to see if
they have a complete run somewhere.

I'm curious about the date of publication for the cartoon.  My first 
reaction to the 1928 date was "who was conditioning rats in 1928?"  
If I'm not mistaken, Skinner wrote about conditioning with rats in the 
mid- to late 1930s (e.g., "The Behavior of Organisms").  I was also
under the impression the Skinner was the first to do research on
rats and bar-pressing.  Perhaps John got the date wrong.  However,
this raises the question of what is the actual date of the cartoon's
publication?  Do any Tipsters know?

Or does this initiate another "Great Hunt" for the reference for the
cartoon? ;-)

-Mike Palij
New York University

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