Athletes perceive a "hot hand" and may adapt passing and other strategy
decisions based on their belief (which I think this article provided
evidence for in volleyball players).  But the belief in a hot hand does not
mean that the belief is valid.

Evidence for a hot hand (in basketball or other sports) would be that the
probability of scoring after a success at scoring (i.e., when one is "hot"
or "in the groove") is higher than the probability of scoring after a failed

There is ample evidence in basketball that the probability of making a free
throw following a successful free throw attempt is not different than the
player's base rate probability of making a successful free throw.

See Gilovich, Vallone, & Tversky (1985), who examined free throw success in
players for the Philadelphia 76ers, the Boston Celtics, and the men's and
women's varsity basketball teams at Cornell.  (The hot hand in basketball:
 On the misperception of random sequences.  Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 17, 295-314)

Based on the abstract of the volleyball article, I don't see any data
analysis about these probabilities for success in scoring.  Instead, the
findings describe changes in team choices regarding decisions for player
placements based on the belief that a give player is now "hot."

Evidence for the cognitive error.  Not evidence that the error is not really

Claudia J. Stanny, Ph.D.
Center for University Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Associate Professor
School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL  32514 – 5751

Phone:   (850) 857-6355 or  473-7435

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