According to the Independent, "a group of special scientific advisors 
to the US Government decided that the details of the two studies into 
H5N1 bird flu were too sensitive to be published in full and 
recommended redactions to the manuscripts rather than a complete ban on 

 The US NIH expressed their concerns thus:
"While the public health benefits of such research can be important, 
certain information obtained through such studies has the potential to 
be misused for harmful purposes," the statement says. "These 
manuscripts... concluded that the H5N1 virus has greater potential than 
previously believed to gain a dangerous capacity to be transmitted 
among mammals, including perhaps humans."

In other words, the NIH reported that "the US National Science Advisory 
Board for Biosecurity, which advises the US Government, recommended 
that the scientists and the two journals should omit key details of 
experiments. It does not want the publication of all the scientific 
methods used in the experiments, nor the genetic sequences of the 
mutated H5N1 virus, in order to prevent replication of the research 'by 
those who would seek to do harm'."

So the NIH, along with others such as an EU spokesperson, is expressing 
reasonable concerns and requesting reasonable measures. They have no 
jurisdiction over the journal Nature, to which the relevant paper has 
been submitted. To make something potentially sinister out of this 
situation seems to me to be somewhat over the top.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London


Attached Message
From:   Michael Palij <>
Subject:        Re:What If The Government Were To Censor Scientific Research 
Date:   Wed, 21 Dec 2011 10:07:10 -0500
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:31:01 -0800, Allen Esterson wrote:
>In the context of the claimed discovery that a mutant and highly
>dangerous strain of avian flu reportedly "fatal in 60 per cent of human
<cases" has been developed by a relatively simple method in a
>Netherlands science laboratory, Mike Palij asks:
>>How should scientists react to having the U.S. government
>>or any government censor ("redact") published scientific reports?

I note that you did not actually deal with my question.

>In the interests of free speech, I might similarly ask how should
>democrats react to any curtailing of the freedom of an individual to
>shout "fire" in a crowded theatre.

Allen did not provide a citation for the "fire" quote so I don't
know whether he is aware of its original context or its original
wording.  Wikipedia has a brief entry (yadda-yadda) on this saying
which was originally made by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes; see:

Quoting from the entry:

|Holmes, writing for a unanimous Court, ruled that it was a violation
|of the Espionage Act of 1917, (amended with the Sedition Act of 1918),
|to distribute flyers opposing the draft during World War I. Holmes
|argued this abridgment of free speech was permissible because it
|presented a "clear and present danger" to the government's recruitment
|efforts for the war. Holmes wrote:
|    "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect
|a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic."

Note that the original wording is "falsely shouting fire" -- truthfully
shouting that there is a fire is another thing.  It should also be 
that the entry states that Holmes later changed his opinion on whether
distributing flyers posed a "clear and present danger" to the 

I also don't see what connection Allen's comment has to my original

>It is, of course, not only US health authorities who are concerned:
>"EU Commissioner John Dalli told journalists he had received assurances
>from Dutch authorities that the virus was secureā€¦ 'One of the issues
>... is to ensure that any information coming from this research is well
>controlled and without sensitive details about mutation being given,'
>he said.

Again, I fail to see Allen's point.  The U.S. has a long history of
funding secret research that has not been open to peer review or public
scrutiny:  see the Wikipedia entry (yadda-yadda) on the Strategic 
Initiative or better known as the "Star Wars" defense system:

This is the kind of waste of money and effort one gets when one engages
in secret research for the government (and don't get me started on Cold
War efforts on using extrasensory perception against the Russian as
reported in the book "The Men Who Stare at Goats").

Finally, given the level of sophistication and technical capability
to produce bioweapons, does anyone really think that the "enemy", 
defined, doesn't have access to similar resources (e.g., how did 
get nuclear weapons)?  Of course, anyone with enough money and the 
connections can buy almost anything in the world or the materials to 
anything.  How would censoring scientific journals prevent that?

-Mike Palij
New York University

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