That is not a p value, it is relative risk factor.  The annual rate of 
infection with Type A or Type B flu is about 2.7%.  If you get vaccinated that 
drops to about 1.2%.  Ignored here is the possibility that there may be 
pre-existing differences between those that get the shot and those who don't.  
Bottom line, you probably will not get the A/B flu whether or not you get the 
shot, but getting the shot lowers the (small) risk a lot.  Given that some 
types of folks die from the flu, you should get the shot, IMHO, if for no other 
reason that reducing the risk that you will spread it to a vulnerable person.  
Of course, there are a lot of illnesses that mimic the symptoms of A/B flu, so 
don't be surprised if you get sick even after having the shot.

[Karl L. Wuensch]<>
----- Original Message -----
From: michael sylvester<>
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:16 AM
Subject: Flu vaccine and p.6 level of significance

In psychological  science we require at least a p.05 or better
to come to reliable conclusions about the impact of the IV on the DV.
But the flu vaccine only has a p.6 (62%) effectiveness,
so why are we  recommending that everyone get a flu shot.
With such a low level of significance,could this be the quintessential 'placebo 
effect' paradigm?
Any MD on Tips except for Beth's husband?


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