Nice replies (Jim C, Karl W and Mike P and others ..) so I won't repeat what 
has been said except to note - as a tangent to the original posts - that in 
some of my classes I spend time with the "relative risk" Karl W discusses. I 
use the example of aspirin and MI (heart attack) in the 1988 (New England 
Journal of Med?? if I remember) article of 22,000+ physicians who took aspirin 
vs. placebo. My chi square calculated on their frequencies reveal p < .01, yet 
the risk of MI only drops from 1.7% to .9% in the sample over the years 
studied. As an absolute value, the % decrease is very small, but expressed as 
relative risk we can say we cut the risk in half. Of course, any "significant" 
decrease will be championed as the stakes are very high with MI .. and 
sometimes high with flu as well .. 

At any rate, I got MY flu shot! So I am OK. p < .05 :-) 

John W. Kulig, Ph.D. 
Professor of Psychology 
Coordinator, University Honors 
Plymouth State University 
Plymouth NH 03264 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jim Clark" <> 
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:14:29 PM 
Subject: Re: [tips] Flu vaccine and p.6 level of significance 


I see figures that are considerably higher than the 2.7% reported by 
Karl (although I did see that figure as well). The CDC appears to be 
saying between 5 and 20%. 

Whatever the average, of course, different groups of people could have 
varying values around that average AND the consequences (death in some 
cases) could differ markedly for different groups. 

Also relevant is the fact that the flu shot appears to be protective 
for some heart conditions. See 

Here in Manitoba, Canada (a socialist country I know) flu shots have 
been free for young and old people for some years and are now free for 
everyone who wants one. Here are statistics by province for percent of 
population getting shot and percent getting flu (r = -.598).

Again, percent getting flu is quite a bit higher than single digit: 
average = 14.22 (including of course those getting shot). 

Take care 

James M. Clark 
Professor & Chair of Psychology 
Room 4L41A 
204-774-4134 Fax 
Dept of Psychology, U of Winnipeg 
515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB 

>>> Paul C Bernhardt <> 15-Jan-13 12:40 PM 
Considering that most of us work with a population of students that 
generally don't get a flu shot and tend to socialize at a very high 
level (increasing their likelihood of contracting and passing on the 
flu) I'm a big believer in faculty getting the flu shot. 


On Jan 15, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Wuensch, Karl L wrote: 

That is not a p value, it is relative risk factor. The annual 
rate of infection with Type A or Type B flu is about 2.7%. If you get 
vaccinated that drops to about 1.2%. Ignored here is the possibility 
that there may be pre-existing differences between those that get the 
shot and those who don*t. Bottom line, you probably will not get the 
A/B flu whether or not you get the shot, but getting the shot lowers the 
(small) risk a lot. Given that some types of folks die from the flu, 
you should get the shot, IMHO, if for no other reason that reducing the 
risk that you will spread it to a vulnerable person. Of course, there 
are a lot of illnesses that mimic the symptoms of A/B flu, so don*t be 
surprised if you get sick even after having the shot. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: michael sylvester<> 
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:16 AM 
Subject: Flu vaccine and p.6 level of significance 

In psychological science we require at least a p.05 or better 
to come to reliable conclusions about the impact of the IV on the DV. 
But the flu vaccine only has a p.6 (62%) effectiveness, 
so why are we recommending that everyone get a flu shot. 
With such a low level of significance,could this be the quintessential 
'placebo effect' paradigm? 
Any MD on Tips except for Beth's husband? 


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