I see that my problem with TIPS has been finally resolved. I wish to share with 
all of you what happened. 

I subscribe to TIPS through my personal Comcast email address. I posted a 
couple of messages a few days ago because not having seen anything posted in 
recent days I thought that the list had been too quiet. However, when I did not 
see my own messages in my inbox I knew there was a problem. I contacted Bill 
Southerly and he discovered that Comcast was blocking messages from TIPS. I 
immediately called Comcast and explained the situation to someone in 
God-knows-what-part-of-the-world and was told to give them 24 hours. Nearly 
forty eight hours later I was still not receiving TIPS messages. So, today I 
called again and, thankfully, I was eventually connected to a technician right 
here in NJ where I live. Just a few minutes ago the messages were finally 
unblocked and the technician who took care of my problem explained to me how 
this might have happened. It turns out that at Comcast senders are classified 
as spam by a vote, that is, if a certain number of Comcast customers mark 
messages from the same sender as spam on a given day or week, then that sender 
is automatically blocked as spam by the company. Most of you probably get TIPS 
through your institutions' email, but I suppose ant other subscribers to TIPS 
who use Comcast to get TIPS messages were also not receiving them.

In sum, if you don't want to receive any messages from TIPS, please, please, 
please do some of us a favor and do not mark them as spam; simply unsubscribe 
from the list as per instructions that appear at the bottom of every single 
email message.



PS: Some of you may have already noted that the item I had posted about 
parachutes had already been posted separately by Stephen Black and later by 
Mike Palij. Ok, so I have a terrible memory ...

----- Original Message -----
From: "MiguelRoig" <miguelr...@comcast.net>
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <tips@fsulist.frostburg.edu>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 3:47:22 PM
Subject: [tips] test 2


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