NOTE:  Somewhat shamelessly self-promotional plug.  Ignore
if such things gives you a rash.

A recently published book review of mine on the new APA dictionary
of statistics and research methods is being "featured" on the
PsycCritiques blog website -- I guess they didn't have any more
interesting book review to promote.  The focus of the blog post
is whether any of the APA dictionaries are really necessary
(an odd topic for an APA publication) and uses my recommendation
that a web-based database would be better (e.g., similar to the
Oxford dictionary website).  Anyway, if you have nothing better
to do or read (somehow I doubt that) here is the URL for the
website where you'll be able to download a PDF of my review
and leave a comment (please no profanity);

I should point out that a few days ago I made post on the Edstat mailing
list about my book review and provided a link to a pre-publication version
of the review (I apologize to Edstat members who are also on Tips -- you
know who you are).  This pre-publication version differs a little from
the published version because after it was accepted for publication,
I remembered a dictionary of statistics that I should have included
in the "History of Statistics Dictionaries" section.  The book and some
comments are provided on the cover page.  If you want to look/read
at this version, go to:

I actually am interested in response to the review, especially whether
the APA or others (there are other publishers of statistics dictionaries)
should use a web-based platform like the Oxford dictionary or a
Wikipedia style website that would provide more information and

By the way, given that this is late on Friday and there's been no posts
on Tips since Monday, I feel only slightly guilty about this. At least it
indicates that the list is still alive.  Sort of...

-Mike Palij
New York University

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