I realize that we all love this list because (1) we tend to get quality answers 
to questions; (2) flaming rarely happens--in fact we are excessively tolerant 
towards those we should be more assertive with; (3) people can get really 
funny; (4) after 30+ years of teaching I find myself making meaningful changes 
in my teaching based on these discussions; and (5) we love the fact that it is 
NOT moderated and we can post freely, within reason (reason being very loosely 

I get the digest--primarily because I get very many emails from students which 
I feel are very important to answer asap. Thus, I am trying to cut down the 
overall number of emails I receive, and I can just read the digests through in 
a sitting and respond as necessary.

One of the downsides of the digest is that most people leave the past 
discussion in place. This means that sometimes my tips digest goes on for pages 
and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of screens.

It would be great if we could try to cut some of the previous conversations. I 
really appreciate having the previous 1-2 bits to follow along (and as some 
have mentioned they failed to get the first bit) but sometimes I get 7-10 bits 
of conversations that go on for pages and pages and pages and pages and pages 
and pages of screens (get the point?)

So maybe in the interest of a little tips netiquette we can try to remember (I 
know, I forget on that other list and get my stuff booted back all the time), 
but maybe we can try harder to remember to trim a bit of the prior discussion 
to make it more manageable for those of us who prefer a single, digested email 
a day from lists.

Thanks guys!

Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
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