What to do if you're stuck in one place for a long while? Flip a coin...10,000 
times. An early study of coin tosses...and a byproduct of WWII.



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On Feb 28, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Jeffry Ricker, Ph.D. 
<jeff.ric...@scottsdalecc.edu<mailto:jeff.ric...@scottsdalecc.edu>> wrote:

I was surprised to learn today that physicists have been studying coin tosses 
since the mid—1980s. The question they usually are trying to answer is: ‘do the 
results of coin tosses reflect a stochastic process?’ The answer may surprise 

For example, here is the abstract from a paper published by Diaconis, Holmes, 
and Montgomery (2007):

We analyze the natural process of flipping a coin which is caught in the hand. 
We prove that vigorously-flipped coins are biased to come up the same way they 
started. The amount of bias depends on a single parameter, the angle between 
the normal to the coin and the angular momentum vector. Measurements of this 
parameter based on high-speed photography are reported. [I’ve omitted the final 
sentence because it would have spoiled the Shyamalan–esque ending of this post.]

And here is the abstract from a report by Strzałko, Grabski, Stefański, 
Perlikowski, and Kapitaniak (2008):

The dynamics of the tossed coin can be described by deterministic equations of 
motion, but on the other hand it is commonly taken for granted that the toss of 
a coin is random. A realistic mechanical model of coin tossing is constructed 
to examine whether the initial states leading to heads or tails are distributed 
uniformly in phase space. We give arguments supporting the statement that the 
outcome of the coin tossing is fully determined by the initial conditions, i.e. 
no dynamical uncertainties due to the exponential divergence of initial 
conditions or fractal basin boundaries occur. [Again, I’ve omitted the final 

I cannot follow the math in either article at all; but it’s truly impressive, 
which leads me to conclude that such smart people cannot possibly be wrong (and 
please don’t confuse me by pointing to the many, many examples of brilliant 
physicists who were wrong, OK? Thank you very much).

There’s lotsa’ stuff filling up the space between the abstract and the 
conclusion in each paper. I barely glanced at any of it. I recommend that you 
follow my lead.

Now to the Shyamalan–esque ending. The final sentence of Diaconis, Holmes, and 
Montgomery’s (2007) abstract is: “For natural flips, the chance of coming up as 
started is about .51.”  Whaaaa…?

Strzałko, et al. (2008) make a similar conclusion, but in a much less “user 
friendly” way:

In practice although heads and tails boundaries are smooth, the distance of a 
typical initial condition from a basin boundary is so small that practically 
any finite uncertainty in initial conditions can lead to the uncertainty of the 
result of tossing…. One can consider the tossing of a coin as an approximately 
random process.

Why the flip—flop (surprisingly, no pun was intended)? The Diaconis, Holmes, 
and Montgomery (2007) paper spells this out more clearly than the other paper. 
The researchers’ assumptions, as well as the experimental conditions, made it 
difficult to generalize their results to real life:

  *   The coin was flipped with a known side facing upwards.
  *   There was no air resistance.
  *   There was no variation in “flight time” across tosses.
  *   The side of the coin facing up was positioned perfectly (i.e., there is 
no tilt).
  *   The coin didn’t bounce when landing.
  *   And there were various technical limitations in the experiment.

They concluded: “For tossed coins, the classical assumptions of independence 
with probability 1/2 are pretty solid.”

Case closed? Perhaps not. I noticed that the literature on coin tossing is 
pretty extensive. I’ll need to look further.

My reason for posting this discussion is related to the following point made by 
Diaconis, Holmes, and Montgomery (2007):

The discussion … highlights the true difficulty of carefully studying random 
phenomena. If we can find this much trouble analyzing a common coin toss, the 
reader can imagine the difficulty we have with interpreting typical stochastic 
assumptions in an econometric analysis.

For me, the discussion highlights the difficulty of designing, conducting, 
analyzing, and interpreting research studies, in general. These experiments on 
the physics of coin tossing—a phenomenon that, on the surface, might seem to be 
relatively simple and straightforward—illustrate many of the points we try to 
make in our classes. I want to elaborate on this, and perhaps I will tomorrow. 
But I am out of time now.



Diaconis, P., Holmes, S., & Montgomery, R. (2007). Dynamical bias in the coin 
toss. SIAM review, 49(2), 211-235. doi:10.1137/S0036144504446436
PDF here: https://statistics.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/2004-32.pdf

Strzałko, J., Grabski, J., Stefański, A., Perlikowski, P., & Kapitaniak, T. 
(2008). Dynamics of coin tossing is predictable. Physics reports, 469(2), 
59-92.  doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2008.08.003
PDF here: 
Jeffry Ricker, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Scottsdale Community College
9000 E. Chaparral Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85256-2626
Office: SB-123
Phone: (480) 423-6213
Fax: (480) 423-6298


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