Seventeenth Annual Mid-Atlantic Teaching of Psychology Conference – Early 

The Prince George’s Community College Department of Psychology and Argosy 
University are sponsoring the 17th Annual Mid-Atlantic Teachers of Psychology 
(MATOP) conference on the teaching of psychology on October 23, 2015 at PGCC 
outside of Washington DC.  The mission of the MATOP conference is to bring 
together  teachers of psychology from universities, two and four-year colleges 
and high schools, who wish to enhance their teaching of psychology and expand 
their teaching skills through, workshops, lectures, and participant idea 
exchanges on successful teaching strategies and techniques.  In addition, MATOP 
fosters the development of valuable teacher networks that further strengthens 
the continued support of good teaching and professional fellowship. 
Registration is $75.00 before October 8. On-site registration is $90.00 Early 
registration (by September 1, 2015) is $50.00.  Registration for graduate 
students is $25.00 early registration; $30 before October 8, and $45.00 
on-site, $20 for presenters. Please send proof of student status.
Keynote Address
Dr. Beth Morling, University of Delaware, will deliver the keynote on this 
year's theme - “Applying Psychology.”  Dr. Morling is a nationally known 
scholar on teaching research methods and is the co-editor of the Society for 
the Teaching of Psychology's "How I Teach" blog.

Call for Submissions for Roundtables
The 2015 conference will also feature two 40 minute roundtable/participant idea 
exchange sessions. Submissions for leading a Roundtable Discussion are welcome. 
Please be sure to label the submission as a Roundtable. Roundtable topic 
submissions will be accepted, pending space, until October 1, 2015.
Proposals may be submitted by mail, fax, or email (preferred method) to Dr. 
Diane Finley, Coordinator, MATOP Conference:
Prince George’s Community College
Department of Psychology
301 Largo Road
Largo, MD 20774
Fax: 301-808-0418
Email:  (this is the preferred method of submission. Please 
put MATOP Submission in the subject line.) If you have difficulty attaching a 
file, use

Diane L. Finley, PhD.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Certified Consultant, Association for Applied Sport Psychology
National Certified Counselor
Vice-President, Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Director, MidAtlantic Teaching of Psychology Conference

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