Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was my novice master when I was studying   to be a Trappist  monk 
 at the     Abbey of   Gethsemani in Kentucky in the late  1950s. Merton,whose 
monastic name was   fr.Louis, was a contemplative monk  who was previously was 
an atheist.His autobiography-The seven story mountain-has been hailed as a 
classic.Merton,knowing that I qriginated from the British  Caribbean,joked with 
me about having  a calypso  style mass.
It was Merton who introduced me to Daniel and Phil Berrigan. Dan got me in touch
with  Gannon Univerity in Erie,Pa where I began  my undergraduate studies.
Merton wanted to acheive a higher level of  contemplation by leaving  
Gethsemani and  joining
either  the Carthusans  or the hermits of Carmaldoli in Big 
Sur,California.However,the Abbot  at  Cethsemani would not let him leave 
because his publications were of economic benefit to the monastery.
Merton assigned  me the name of br.Amadeus.
Merton  published a prayer:
My  Lord God, I have no idea of where I am going.
Like Pope Francis,Merton;s emphasis was on the 'human person'
daytona beach,florida

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