On Sat, 06 Jan 2018 05:29:14 -0800, Annette Taylor wrote:
If it wasn't so expensive I'd buy it for conversation value.
They missed the mark with the price point. There is psychology
here....marketing. Great classroom discussion potential.
Well, the cost may in fact be a selling point as well:
if one buys the cereal and if some of the comments are
correct (i.e., it tastes like crap), then cognitive dissonance
theory would predict that the sunk cost involved with buying
a bad tasting food product is justified by it's high price,
namely, it's "an acquired taste" and it's price reflects
the quality that only an "educated palate" can appreciate.
As I mentioned to another Tipster, this reminded of another
situation which I have looked up: the Indonesian coffee
unknown as Kopi Luwak aka "The World's Most Expensive
Coffee". Amazon sells various brands of this "civet processed"
coffee and here is a link to one brand:
The website for this brand of Kopi Luwak provides a good
review of the product and how it is "made", include cartoon
images to help understand key points (great for powerpoints ;-).
NOTE: at the bottom of the homepage is an ad for "artificial"
Kopi Luwak, that is, no animals are involved, instead, an enzymatic
process is used to produce the coffee beans. Also available
at Amazon. ;-)
Wikipedia has an entry on Kopi Luwak that provides a lot of
details; see:
Kopi Luwak is sold in NYC at the West Village location of the
coffees store "Porto Rico" (there's an East Village location and
I have bought coffee products in both) and the New York Daily
News had an article when it became available at Porto Rico.
Now, the NY Daily News is a tabloid and tends to be more
"down to earth" than the NY Times, so don't be surprised by
the style of writing; the article can be accessed here:
The Daily News guys even do a taste test (against a coffee
named Ethiopia Michelle) and the taster's comments are
interesting. It seems that it helps if one does not mentally
imagine the process that produces the Kopi Luwak while
drinking the coffee. ;-)
-Mike Palij
New York University
P.S. I await someone coming out with an analogous version
of peanuts and/or corn.
No Sig line on phone and no monitor to reject my message
On Fri, 5 Jan 2018 09:30:42 -0500, Michael Palij wrote:
X-Message-Number: 1
It has been extremely quiet on Tips lately which can mean
a variety of things but I am prompted to post to Tips because
of the Events mentioned in the subject line and, for the
Orthodox Christians (or old Eastern European Catholics),
I think I found the perfect gift to give on Amazon; see:
I kid you not. ;-)
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