Hi Kevin, thank you for your reply.
I would not call it a production tool, maybe, since it will be used just by
me: I will upload it as free software of course, but I already know that
it's not something people are much interested into: a wiki-based
organization of the whole filesystem - if you're interested read a bit about
it in http://www.inrim.it/~magni/zimDMS.htm . I would not know how to manage
my hundreds of folders, hierarchies, projects, thoughts ... without it:
since I started using it it has been a real godsend.

At the moment, I have it perfectly working, running around the Zim wiki
My problem: I can trace the oldest data/thoughts in my disk to +/- 20 years
ago (old C64 programs!), and I imagine I will be around for much more time
:-) so I want to have an "infobase system" that will span decades, not
requiring restarting from scratch if a wiki or a toolkit isnt supported
This of course implies a rigorous separation of the data from the GUI (as
Wayne correctly said!) and I'm already doing that... but since I'm not a GUI
programmer, I wanted something accessible, and at the same time something
with a looong future ahead!


Kevin Buchs-2 wrote:
> Alesandro,
> Tk has been around for probably more than 20 years. It is established in
> many applications. I would think that tkinter is well established.
> However,
> you have to consider that computer science is an ever-changing field. Some
> things that were well established 20 years ago are gone now. And, 40 years
> ago: ever used punched cards, reel-to-reel tape, Lisp, COBOL or Fortran?
> Things will change. If you really want insurance against change, grab all
> the tools you use in source form, to the extent they are available and
> maintain your current environment as long as your hardware holds out. You
> can get Linux, compilers, Tk, Python and all the Python packages you use
> in
> your Wiki project and keep those going.
> When I first started to read your post, I assumed that you were developing
> the wiki as a learning exercise. Then when I got to your question about
> long
> term availability I realized you want a production tool. So, I just have
> to
> ask now, why not use what has been developed by others. HTML browsers are
> an
> ideal tool for navigating Wikis. I am not sure of what role Tk plays in
> your
> project, but developing a full-browser capability seems like a lot of
> work.
> There are plenty of open-source wikis available. I think there are
> probably
> wikis available written in Python. They need not provide any graphical
> interface to work. You can even buy a production, enterprise class
> commercial wiki from Atlassian for $10.
> Kevin Buchs
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:10 AM, alexxxm <ma...@inrim.it> wrote:
>> What do you think about tkinter's long-term prospectives?
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