Heh heh heh ;)

  Right now, everything is on the table.  If several people perceive a need
where I do not, I am happy to move along with the several people.  I also
have ideas though.

  Here's my rankings of what you wrote, on a four star basis:

inspection (****):
- a diagnostic tool like wxPython's WIT (widget inspector tool) [2]

support (***):
- ellipsis generator for "Text is too long to ..."
- simpler interface for creating scrollable frames
- a simpler interface for creating color coded markup rules for Text

widgets (**):
- masked input Entry widgets
- modern looking, ttk based, locale-aware, calendar/datepicker
- locale-aware (numeric, date, time) Entry widgets
- an autocomplete Entry widget
- listbox that allows drag-and-drop repositioning of rows
- ttk tree/grid control that allows drag-and-drop repositioning of
- a property-editor like widget

animation (*):
- simple jquery-like smooth animation effects for moving widgets into
- jquery-like collapsible containers with smoothly animated

  (I'm not even sure that the animation effects are *possible,* without
using "place" primarily, or otherwise seriously overhauling the layout
system.  Wouldn't those be more appropriate to their own module --
"tkanimate" perhaps?)

  I see this module as primarily a support system for people who are
working with the tkinter system, rather than as a widget library.  (Of
which, ...  Aren't there several widget libraries out there already?
Though I am not familiar with what their capabilities are.)

  So for example, things like inspection tools, (to see: "What's already in
the system?"), variable retrieval tools (I have a function "svar" which
gives a StringVar given a widget that makes use of 1 or 2 X-Vars,)
workaround to the .bind/.unbind bug.

  I must confess -- I have a lot of radical tkinter ideas.  For example, I
have in my collection of projects implemented an ASCII->tkinter renderer.
You draw an ASCII image of the tkinter GUI that you want, with
"(button-label)" for buttons, "[] check-label" for checkboxes, drawings of
canvas and image frames with "+-----+" type ascii boxes and on and on.  It
works.  And I've written microlanguages for scripting Canvas drawing, and
for binding events to functions, and scripting complex interaction
sequences.  Alternative and compact notations for widget creation.  But
these ideas are all too radical for tkhelp.  For tkhelp, I want to focus on
the basics: I can look at widgets, I can bind and unbind, I can find
widgets in the hierarchy by name, etc., etc.,.  (For more radical ideas:
Another module, later, maybe.)

  If there isn't already a module of widgets, though, there really should
be one.  I'd be happy to curate "tkwidgets" (or something similar.)  But I
was under the impression that something like that already exists?  In fact,
several somethings like that?  "PMW" mega-widgets comes to mind.  Aren't
there at least one or two others?

  As for the ellipses, and support for scrolling frames creation -- I think
that should go into tkhelp.  Because they are so common, because they
aren't widgets, because it can be tricky, but isn't too tricky in the
common case.  Small useful things are great, and I'd like them in tkhelp.

  What do you think?  And if I'm wrong about something, or am missing
something obvious or important, please let me know.

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:10 PM, <pyt...@bdurham.com> wrote:

>  Hi Lion,
>  Read your spec on google-docs [1], saw my name mentioned as a slacker<g>,
> and felt obligated to contribute to the discussion.
>  >  specific functions that you think would be valuable
>   Here's what I've been frustrated trying to create with Tkinter/ttk:
>  Framework level enhancements
> - simple jquery-like smooth animation effects for moving widgets into
> position
>  - a diagnostic tool like wxPython's WIT (widget inspector tool) [2]
> - ellipsis generator for "Text is too long to ..."
>  Widget specific
>  - jquery-like collapsible containers with smoothly animated
> collapse/expansion
>  - simpler interface for creating scrollable frames
>  - a simpler interface for creating color coded markup rules for Text
> controls
>  - modern looking, ttk based, locale-aware, calendar/datepicker
>  - masked input Entry widgets
>  - locale-aware (numeric, date, time) Entry widgets
>  - an autocomplete Entry widget
>  - listbox that allows drag-and-drop repositioning of rows
>  - ttk tree/grid control that allows drag-and-drop repositioning of
> nodes/cells/rows
>  - a property-editor like widget
>  Malcolm
>  [1]
> https://docs.google.com/a/intricity.com/document/d/1TCANkeaBYs_W7Sg9J1ce8Y1X4G6UR1PT3H-iMIuuNFY/edit?pli=1
>  [2] http://wiki.wxpython.org/Widget%20Inspection%20Tool
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