
On Sat, Nov 02, 2013 at 01:40:27PM +0100, FS wrote:
> The biggest challenge is the reciving side. For CW you have to type
> it anyway, maybe
> that could be a intermediate solution.

CW (and phone) is clear, and no problem - I think I can handle
the fast speed CW too, and can type all data of QTC.

But the RTTY is a littlebit faster :)

> But it would be nicer for
> RTTY to mark a complete line
> in miniterm (which is available in TLF), push a key combination and
> have it in the QTC box. Any solution within a different programme
> like fldigi, will be no short  term solution and probably
> solved if the connection between this two programms is reworked. So
> for now a mouse integration
> for marking a line in miniterm seem to be the way - although not
> perfect. ;-)

yes, the using miniterm should be the cleanest way, independent
from anything. But the mouse integration would be hard work at
this time, and (IMHO) Tlf should lost the "magic" feeling :)

If Tlf reads from RTTY client log, maybe I could make a pattern,
which recognize the first line of QTC block (NUMBER "/" NUMBER
NEWLINE), and when the next lines contains the QTC pattern, it
filled the QTC lines in receive window.

Any idea?

Thanks, 73:


> 73 Fred
> Am 01.11.2013 21:55, schrieb Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS:
> >Dear HAM's,
> >
> >I still had not enough time as I expected to made the QTC patch,
> >but here is the next release - please look at that.
> >
> >The send directions doesn't contains relevant changes.
> >
> >There is the another directions, the receive of QTC's. See, how
> >it's works.
> >
> >If you press ALT+r when you are in exchange field (in current
> >QSO line), the new window opens. In that window the 1st line has
> >2 fields: the QTC block serial and number of QTC's.
> >
> >After this there are 10 empty lines, every lines has 3 block, as
> >QTC: time (HHMM), callsign, and serial.
> >
> >If you put the serial and number of QTC's, the left side of 1st
> >columns will appears the numbers, to help to the operators to
> >see, which rows are affected.
> >
> >You can move the cursor between the fields with TAB and SHIFT+TAB
> >(backward direction), and UP/DOWN cursor move keys.
> >
> >In a field, you can use BACKSPACE, DELETE, and LEFT/RIGHT cursor
> >move keys to move the cursor, and real contains of fields.
> >
> >In time and serial fields, you can type only numbers, and "?"
> >(question-mark). In callsign field, you can type letters,
> >numbers, '/' and '?' signs.
> >
> >If a QTC line contains a '?' sign at anywhere, you can see a '?'
> >sign at end of the line - that means, you've marked this QTC as
> >incomplete. In CW mode (in future) Tlf doesn't will send 'R'
> >sign, instead it send 'AGN #', where # will the number of QTC.
> >
> >If you type 'ESC', the QTC window will hide, but when again type
> >ALT+r, the filled window will open again.
> >
> >If you change the callsign in QSO line (when QTC window is not
> >showed), the contains of QTC will be deleted.
> >
> >
> >Now, this is the current level of development.
> >
> >Further plans:
> >- if all fields of a QTC (time, callsign, serial) is complete,
> >   and you type the ENTER, the QTC will be marked as complete, and
> >   this status will be indicated with an '*' (asterix) sign, the
> >   end of line
> >- if you are in last QTC, and all QTC's are marked as completed,
> >   then after the pressing of ENTER, the window will be closed
> >- if you save the QSO, and QTC window contains records, they will
> >   be saved with QSO (same as sending QTC)
> >
> >I think I can do these to the next weekend, when WAEDC RTTY will
> >starts, but I never used QTC, and I don't know is it a good
> >choice to handle the receive direction of that.
> >
> >To come out of this:
> >- merge QTC's with QSO's in Cabrillo log
> >- at send direction to handle the QTC's with an external program,
> >   eg. gMFSK - I think it's not too difficult
> >- at receive direction to handle the QTC's; I mean, it would be a
> >   good choice to implement a feature in RTTY software, when the
> >   operator select a TEXT in receive window, and (eg.) with right
> >   click it could be send the selected text as QTC to Tlf; in this
> >   case, the Tlf must to handle the new logtype through LAN
> >
> >If anybody has a good idea one of those contexts above, please
> >send me an e-mail through this list or direct.
> >
> >
> >Of course, to check the Tlf, you need the git, gcc, and make
> >tools. The repository of this patched version is this:
> >
> >https://github.com/airween/tlf/tree/waedc-qtc
> >
> >
> >
> >73:
> >
> >Ervin
> >HA2OS
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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