Hello Thomas,

On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 03:43:14PM +0100, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
> > what do think about this, when do you implement this socket
> > interface? Do you need any help?
> Help will be useful. But I fear implementation can only be done here in
> next 1..2 month. At the moment there is no urgent need for it, we can
> use the old GMFSK interface for now.

> I can have a look into it near the end of the week. Luckily we need the
> Cabrillo formatting only after the contest for preparation of the final
> log.

I agree - but I don't know, if somebody wants to use the Tlf at
this weekend, how does it trust me/us, before it could try the
full version? :)

> Main question is how you store the QTC send/receive information. With
> the new Cabrillo handling in place it should be not too difficult to
> extend it for the QTC's.

QTC's (sent and received) stored in two separated files. If you
set up the waedc as contest, Tlf will generate them. If you send
or receive maximum 10 QTC to/from a station, it will be stored in
QTC_send.log or QTC_recv.log, in a _very_ simple form.

Yesterday I looked up the writecabrillo.c, and I saw Tlf use
cabrillo.frm. I didn't find any format standard for QTC, which
contains length of fields - I think the nice solution should be
we make a QTC format in cabrillo.frm, and writecabrillo.c uses
that. The short (and not an elegant) solution is skip the use of
formula, and just merge as "raw" formula.



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