
I'm saying the code would read the log and show me the stations near the
frequency.  In that case, I would set N to be something like 3600 and I
would see in a band-map all the stations worked near that frequency
(perhaps +/- 10 KHz) in the past hour or less.

I figured Tlf should work with rigctl and model 2, but my one attempt
didn't work and it seems my contest prep time is always limited by other
things and so I never tried again.  And I did download pydxcluster some
time ago, but I usually do contests unassisted and I forget to try it out
when doing other operating as cqrlog as a cluster built in.


On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Ervin Hegedüs <airw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Perre,
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 09:38:15AM -0400, Pierre Fogal wrote:
> > Hello Ervin, Tomasz,
> >
> > The problem I find is that after having cruised up and down a band
> several
> > times, I basically "forget" the location of worked stations on the band.
> > So, I will hear a station I can work, and then wait for the station to
> ID.
> > With some operators, this can take awhile ;-)  So, if somehow I can see
> > that in the past N minutes (N can be defined as it is now) I worked AB1CD
> > on 14.240 as I approach 14.240 then I'll know not to wait too long as I
> > likely worked him already.
> may be I don't understand something, but Tlf knows to handle
> this. First, most RIG has 2 VFO (and many memory's). If I hear a
> selected station, I just press A=B key on RIG, and moving away,
> if I don't hear the callsign. If I hear, then I press CTRL+A,
> which add the callsign to bandwith, and it stays till N secods
> (N is 900 in default in Tlf).
> So, it works - but as I wrote, may be I don't understand
> something.
> > My thought initially on the Python add-on, was a simple gui or ncurses
> > display that gave the current frequency and mapped worked calls before
> and
> > after it.
> that's clear - but how do you connect it with Tlf? Do you want to
> read the log periodically?
> > I figured Python, because that's mostly what I use these days
> > (unless working on the hardware level with a need for speed) and Python
> > makes it sooo much easier to deal with parsing of strings.
> That's true,
> > I had once
> > quickly  tried to run tlf using rigctld and the generic rig def (2?) but
> > wasn't able to get that working and haven't gone back to it.  I'm
> thinking
> > this would be the cleanest way to add secondary codes accessing the rig
> > information.
> I'm sorry, but I don't understand this above - how relates this
> to Python, and Tlf bandmap?
> Anyway, in last year, I've made two contest in paralell: JI-DX CW
> and Gagarin Memorial (Russian contest). I've run two Tlf instances, but one
> RIG. I've configured Tlf RIG as like this:
> in both instance, and run rigctld. That worked as very well.
> Cluster config must be defferent on the two instance, any other
> features worked (eg. netkeyer...)
> > The ideas pointed to by Fred would also do most if not all of this, I
> > think.
> >
> > Also on the Python front, I have written a number of scripts (using
> > Ipython) to do post-contest scoring for some unsupported contests that
> are
> > important to me, like the RAC Canada Day and Winter Contests, NAQP, IARU,
> > and now IOTA.
> Take a look at this:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pydxcluster/
> may be that will be helps to you. And please share your
> experience with us :).
> > As for N1MM logger ... I haven't actually used it since 2004.  I could
> use
> > it here at home, but I can't justify it while on NA-008 as I would have
> to
> > dedicate a pc to it. So, it's tlf for the win!
> good to hear :)
> 73, Ervin
> --
> I � UTF-8
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