
Den 2019-11-13 kl. 15:06, skrev Thomas Beierlein:

> After a lot of work by all people contributing to TLF I would like to
> announce the release of the new TLF-1.4.0 version.
> You can find it at 
> http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/tlf/tlf-1.4.0.tar.gz or 
> https://github.com/Tlf/tlf/releases/download/tlf-1.4.0/tlf-1.4.0.tar.gz
Thanks a zillion to all of you involved in the development.

I've been using tlf for a couple of years, most recently in CQ WW SSB
2019 and I'm so happy with 1.3.0 - and I see a lot of improvements
already by just starting 1.4.0.

Thanks again!

73's de SM0RUX Pontus (SM0R in contests)

Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards

Pontus Falk
Hovstagränd 11
SE-124 70 Bandhagen

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