* On 2019 23 Nov 08:14 -0600, Drew Arnett wrote:
> Resize is fine, but please continue to support 80x25 long term.  I
> don't see classic TUI losing value anytime soon.

Do you mean that Tlf should enforce a minimum 80x25 terminal size as it
has in the past?  Personally, I've no problem with that.

> What about a 2nd application, tlf-config or easy-tlf-config, which
> would have the pulldown menus etc for setting up config files.  Keep
> the pulldown menus out of tlf.  Once you add menus, you'll add a bunch
> of hotkeys.  One of the nice things about TLF is that there aren't a
> bunch of live keys, especially if run out of a console or terminal
> rather than a windows manager.

That's actually a very good idea, Drew.  If such a program were to gain
good enough coverage then the :SET and :CFG commands could just call it
instead of an editor.  As for hot keys, Tlf does have quite a few
assigned already.

73, Nate


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