Many years ago (late 2007) Rein, PA0R, wrote up a Perl script to work
with the K1EL series of Winkeyers.  I found that it worked with my
HamGadgets MK-1 which has a K1EL compatible interface.

Joop had done some development with it to include it in Debian, as near
as I could tell, back in January 2008.  I think it was dropped from
Debian several releases ago.  I am unaware of any other distributions
that may include it.

Wilbert, PE7T, did some development work and hosted his modified version
on his Web site.  

I gathered together the various pieces and put them into Git and have
hosted the code at GitHub for some time:

Wilbert has added more contributions over the years, as have Zoltan
Csahok and Tom, DJ1JBE, (Tom fixed a bug just a couple of weeks ago!).

The winkeydaemon is a drop-in replacement for cwdaemon for the K1EL
Winkeyer series and any compatibles, like mine.  I have used it
throughout a weekend with Tlf with no issues.

Yes, the code is Perl 5 which is quite stable but does have the Perl
characteristic of looking like line noise at times, however, this script
is easy to follow, so new contributions are welcome!

All that said, if anyone has one of the Winkeyer USB models, I'd
appreciate some testing.  A friend has been having trouble getting his
to work with winkeydaemon and we've not gotten together to try
troubleshooting it.

73, Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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