Quoting Nate Bargmann who wrote on Thu 2019-11-21 at 19:31:

> I gathered together the various pieces and put them into Git and have
> hosted the code at GitHub for some time:
> https://github.com/N0NB/winkeydaemon
> Wilbert has added more contributions over the years, as have Zoltan
> All that said, if anyone has one of the Winkeyer USB models, I'd
> appreciate some testing.  A friend has been having trouble getting his
> to work with winkeydaemon and we've not gotten together to try
> troubleshooting it.

I can at least share that I use that winkeydaemon with a nanokeyer and it
works fine as described in https://idefix.net/~koos/newsitem.cgi/1567804130

I haven't gotten around to testing it with TLF, maybe there is some QRS CW
activity that I can participate in (also good to keep practising morse).

                                        Koos PE4KH


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