Some contests can't be added simply by modifying the GENERAL QSO configuration. There are two as an example:

Memorial OK1WC (MWC) - a very fast, 1 hour CW event which is highly popular here in EU. It uses mults last character of worked station call suffix.

FOC MARATHON - no mults but a bonus based on bands where the station was worked.

How and where can be these contests added?

Martin, OK1RR


Detailed rules

Memorial OK1WC (MWC)

Bands:80, 40m
Classes:Single Op All Band (QRP/Low)
Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low)
Max power:LP: 100 watts
QRP: 5 watts
Exchange:RST + Serial No.
Work stations:Once per band
QSO Points:1 point per QSO
Multipliers: Each last character of worked station call suffix once per band
Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults


BANDS:  160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m.


QRO Open: Full licenced power on all bands with no antenna restrictions.
Low Restricted: Output power limited to 100w, simple wire and vertical antenna only (no  beams).
QRP Open: Output power limited to 5w with no antenna restrictions.
QRP Restricted:  Output power limited to 5w with simple wire and vertical antennas only (no beams).

EXCHANGE:  RST and membership number.

CONTACTS:  One QSO point for each member worked per band.



Five points for the first contact with each continent - AF, AS, EU, OC, NA, SA. (30 max)
Two points for the first contact with each country (DXCC).
Ten points for contacts on five bands with a member.
Five additional points for a contact on a sixth band with that member.
The UK based HQ station - G4FOC (GM4FOC, GD4FOC etc.) or an alternative notified call, scores double points for contacts and five/six band bonus points.


Total members worked plus...
Total entities worked X 2 plus...
Total continents worked X 5 plus...
Total 5 band contacts X 10
Total 6 band contacts X 5

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