Wah ... selamat buat Nefi atas keberaniannya mengambil keputusan ini :-)
Untuk resepsinya kapan nef ?
trus buat teman2 yang mau datang kontak2 dong.
Deqie...... kowe teko gak ????

Waktu itu Friday 10 November 2000 21:25, nefy irmasari nulis:
> from :
> Nefy Irmasari
> and
> Bana Agustiawan
> We would like to announce the joy of our union
> on Sunday, November 19, 2000, 10.30am
> at Griyo Mapan Sentosa EB IV-30, Waru, Sidoarjo
> It is very pleased and grateful to have you among us
> =========================
> in other words:
> datang, yaaa
> mohon doa restu, yaa
> =========================

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