Hi Bill,

Well, it depends. How much security do people need. In the NNTP case, I
can't see a strong argument for confidentiality. There may be a need for
compression, which is why I suggested a "TLC" (Transport Level
Compression) facility, which is, to the extent possible, API compatible
with a TLS library.
What we need for NNTP is a build without security, but with compression

And it is probably the case for protocols other than NNTP.
The current discussion focuses on NNTP but I bet the same question can arise from other protocols.

Julien ÉLIE

« On a toujours tort d'essayer d'avoir raison devant des gens qui ont
  toutes les bonnes raisons de croire qu'ils n'ont pas tort. »
  (Raymond Devos)

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